CSP Disconnection/Crimp Kit
Product Overview
CSP supplies two types of crimping systems. One type using nylon cables and the other type using solid block crimps with closer caps to negate the risk of exposure by touching the crimp area.
The CSP disconnection/crimp kit is a high containment closing system, consisting of a cutting tool, crimping tool, disconnection crimps and a protective storage case. This device allows flexible liners to be closed and cut easily in a safe manner with minimum risk of exposure.
This system is designed to allow the user to disconnect continuous liner, FIBC and any other types of Polyethylene or Polyurethane film. The system has been validated to <1 μg/m3 . Actual test results achieved less than <30 ng/m3.
Easy to use and reliable system.
The crimp cables can fit liner of any size up to 30 inches or 762mm diameter liner at 100-micron thickness.
Our alternative crimps are liner size specific, but no less effective.
The cutting tool is easy to use. The jaws of the tool will allow you to cut liner bundles (twist & tied) with a diameter of up to 30mm.
Validated to OEB5 disconnections.
Choice of two systems.
The cutting tool blade is stainless steel.
The disconnect crimps are made from food-grade materials.
Bag of crimps.
Tensioning tool.

Unit 4, East Link Business Park,
Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork, T45 XH98, Ireland
+353 21 488 3615