Drum Sampling
Product Overview
The drum sampling system consists of a flexible isolator sealed onto the drum that is to be sampled. This drum sampling system enables the operator to access the product inside the drum to take a sample in a safe and contained manner.
Before using the drum sampling system, the flexible isolator is preloaded with the required sampling tools and sample jars. The attachment sleeve of the flexible isolator is then stretched down over the drum itself and taped to the drum to create the seal. The flexible isolator is then supported by a bungee cord onto a frame provided. Once the seal is created and the system is contained, the lid of the drum can then be removed inside the isolator. The inner liners containing the product can then be opened inside the flexible isolator using the glove sleeves provided. The sample can then be taken and removed from the system using the CSP Disconnection/Crimping kit. The inner liners are resealed and the lid of the drum is reattached to the drum without the system being breached. The final step is to disconnect the flexible isolator from the drum and this can be done by again using the CSP Disconnection/Crimping kit.
Custom designed to suit the customers drum size.
Flexibles are fully disposable when finished with.
Reduced cleaning and cleaning validation costs.
Fast turnaround/installation.
Low capital and operating costs.
This system can be used anywhere in the plant.
Sampling can be carried out in a warehouse or storage area, no need to remove to the special sampling area.
Prevents cross contamination.
Good ergonomic performance.
Tidy system – doesn’t occupy much floor space.
Clear flexible material.
HEPA Filter.
Pouch for holding tools and sample jars.
One-person operation.

Unit 4, East Link Business Park,
Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork, T45 XH98, Ireland
+353 21 488 3615